Monday, November 23, 2009

Becoming Mr. Relevant

The last player pick in the draft is known as "Mr. Irrelevant"...a promotion started back in 1976 when the good folks of Newport Beach decided to invite him for a weekend celebration figuring it would be his one time in the Sun.

Not so for South Carolina kicker Ryan Succop... the 256th and final pick of the draft. Yesterday he kicked the winning field goal in overtime. The Chiefs upset the Steelers 27-to-24.

And yes. His last name is "Suck-up"...and he had to learn to fight at an early age. And his whole life he will have to hear..."So that's how you got the job."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Little Lady Chimes In

The pressure is growing for 80 year old Bobby Bowden to retire as the end of the season. He wants to coach one more year.

Now his wife Anne has weighed in; saying..."You know, we don't need the university as much as they need us. If they want to pull that trick...we'll just shake the dirt off our feet and go to Europe or go on a long cruise or something."

And she adds..."They'll have to fire him for him not to go another year. If they've got guts enough to do it....let them do it."

Bobby probably said, "Dahlin'. 'precciate your support. But let's just leave it alone now."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Deer Hunting the Easy Way

And Mark Bree of Viroqua in Southwest Wisconsin landed a seven point buck...without leaving the house. He wasn't even deer hunting. He found the deer dead on his lawn....after he had apparently mistaken a concrete elk lawn statue for the real thing. And smashed heads and antlers. The deceased weighed 180 pounds. The buffed and bulked lawn ornament weighs 640!

Bambi gave it his best shot. The statue was lying on its side.

Can't make this up. It became legal when the game warden tagged it with "Lawn Ornament Fight. Dash. Lost."